Legal Aid



Legal Aid: 

HRFP provide the Free Legal Aid to individuals/groups that victimized due to their religion/belief/faith. When HRFP heard about the incident/issue directly or indirectly, the legal aid team confirms it through their own sources/coordinators/ fact findings mission trips and then do the next steps.

If the case is urgent then team start work on immediate basis and if it is not urgent then usually the victims invited in office for interviews of them with submission of necessary documentation. In emergency cases short interviews and necessary documentation completed by team at the incident places.
In emergency issues the team helped the victims to rescue them, (if needed) provide relocation, medical treatment and help by joining them physically in FIR submission at linked police station and assist in other attached matters.

In non emergency issues, the team interviewed and ask if the head of family or Earning person is a victim, then team provide them (if needed) the medical aid, relocation, livelihood assistance, Utility bills and other Basic Essentials for a short time period of crises.